Oct 9, 2010

Making baby food from fruits

making baby food

Baby food can also be made with small amounts, then any leftover food stored in refrigerator (refrigerator). The food is cooled in the refrigerator should not be used when it exceeds 48 hours (some say could hold up to 72 hours).

Do not feed the baby directly from the store. Take a little to the plate, when less can be added. Infant saliva stuck to the spoon feeding can carry the bacteria that makes fast food become damaged.

Rice flour porridge

Do not know exactly whether or not to use rice flour are made, which obviously can make their own rice flour from rice.

Rice flour cooked until done, about 15 minutes. Adjust consistency with the needs of your baby.

Factory-made rice cereal

Abortion nutrition is tantamount to rice flour porridge even less because of this factory-made rice cereal is processed first by repeatedly washed, cooked, and dried resulting in a lot of wasted nutrients in processing.

However, these cereals factory made very easy in use because it does not need to be cooked longer.


Broth is an important thing that should be in every moment, especially when your baby can eat it. Can chicken broth or beef broth. Many have suggested making stock from chicken feet because it has a high nutrient content. Because more durable, better in frozen form. Use as needed as needed.

Vegetable porridge

Basically can use any vegetable. Tubers, the pumpkin-Labuan, leaves, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, grain legumes such as green beans that have been discarded skin, you know.


1. Vegetables peeled, cut into pieces, then cooked, can be boiled or steamed (steaming is better, because nutrients are not lost to the water). For the green beans can be boiled until smooth.

2. Mashed cooked vegetables, can use a blender or filtered according to the needs of children. When using a blender, use the remaining water as liquid vegetable stew blend. EXCEPT for the water remaining carrots and green leaf stew because it has a high nitrate content.

3. Ready to use, or stored.

4. Add rice porridge or cereal when it will be used if it is less viscous.

Fruit porridge

Some fruit can be eaten directly there without having to be cooked (banana, avocado). For fruits that are somewhat hard (apples, pears) should be cooked first. Manufacturing process is the same as making vegetable mush.

Some fruit will turn brown if stored. To avoid this, a little lemon juice can be given before the pulp of fruit will be saved.

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