# Porridge brown rice cooking water + 2 tablespoons brown rice flour, give milk or formula a little brown sugar.
# Porridge fresh bread and a half sheets of plain bread without any brown skin. Torn into small pieces, boiled with water until half-tender, then mixed with 30 cc of formula milk, boil and boil until soft.
# Porridge plain macaroni Boil macaroni until soft half with hot water, then put 30 cc of formula milk, boil and boil until soft.
# Porridge Plain Boiled potatoes 1 / 3 medium potatoes until half soft with hot water and then enter the formula 30 cc, boiled and boiled until soft.
# Porridge Boil 2-3 tablespoons cornflakes cornflakes until half soft with hot water, then put 30 cc of formula milk, boil and boil until soft.
# Porridge havermooth 2-3 tablespoons havermooth Boil until half soft with hot water, then put 30 cc of formula milk, boil and boil until soft.
# Porridge scrape corn young corn kernels boiled with hot water until soft, then mixed with 30 cc of formula milk, boil and boil until soft (or blender after being cooked). After it is filtered to remove the skin