May 1, 2010

Making baby food according to age

Making baby food according to age

Babies should be given exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months. Because for a baby that age there is no other food is as good as breast milk. However, if a certain condition, such as milk production is inadequate nutritional needs of babies or other medical reasons, so at age 4 months infants can already given supplementary food milk. The age of 6 months upwards, breast milk as a source of nutrition is no longer sufficient nutritional needs are growing. Breast milk should be given supplementary food.

Babies born with the ability to eat reflexes, such as sucking, swallowing and eventually chewed. Breast-feeding assistant must be adjusted with the development of the digestive system of baby equipment, ranging from food-textured liquid, viscous, semi solid food until solid. In general, the readiness of infants received supplementary food is marked with the following things:
1. Baby begins to insert his hand into his mouth and chewed.
2. Babies respond and open his mouth when fed food.
3. Loss of tongue reflex
4. Babies are more interested in food than when offered a bottle or nipple.
5. Fussy or restless baby yet been given breast milk or formula as much as 4-5 times a day.
6. Baby can sit up as he propped his head and was able to enforce.

Variations of Food Assistance
Providing supplementary food should be given breast milk gradually both from the texture or the number of portions. Viscosity of food and the amount should be adjusted to the skill and readiness in accepting the baby food. From the texture of food, infants initially fed a soft look and, after the baby can move his tongue and the chewing process, the baby can be given semi-solid food. Whereas solid food is given when the baby teeth have started teething. Food portions are also gradually starting from a spoon until gradually increases according to the portion of the baby.

We recommend the introduction of baby food starting from one type of food, such as banana, papaya, avocado. Note the response, whether the baby to tolerate or not. Babies usually prefer sweet foods and baby usually will vomit if you do not like it. Do not be enforced if the baby is refused, give the other substitute foods with different taste instead. Swallowing skills in infants depends on appropriate stimulation of the nerves of his tongue. Therefore give sweet foods such as fruit juice at the tip of the tongue. And vegetables in the middle. Recommend vegetables than fruit first. Vegetables tend to taste unpleasant and less attractive infants, to get accustomed to eating vegetables, introduce vegetables than fruit first.

At the age of 6-9 months of food texture, food should be liquid, soft or filtered, such as fruit pulp, milk porridge or pureed vegetables, strained / mashed. The age of 10-12 months, babies begin to switch to solid food but still thick and soft textured, like the various rice team. Infants aged 12-24 months have started to introduce family foods or solid foods but still pay attention to taste. Avoid foods that can disrupt the digestive organs, like the food too spicy sharp, spicy, too sour or greasy. At this time introduce a snack or finger food that can be held such as cookies, nuggets or pieces of cooked vegetables or fruit. It is important to train skills in holding food and stimulates tooth growth.

Digestive organs is not as perfect as an adult baby, certain foods can cause gastrointestinal disturbance, such as constipation, vomiting or abdominal distention. Foods that are avoided, such as gas-containing foods,jack fruit, tape, cabbage and cauliflower.

Food for Baby Body Resistance

Food provided must match both types of baby food, nutritional content of numbers up. Though physically still a baby but the need for types of nutrients, the baby together with adults, namely carbohydrates for energy sources (grains, potatoes), vegetable and animal protein for growth (milk, meat, eggs, fish, beans) , vitamins and minerals for maintaining and restoring health.
In order to grow a healthy baby needs vitamin A for eye health and keep awake from infection attacks. Vitamin D is good for growing teeth. To increase endurance and prevent disease, babies need a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. Like vitamins C, E, A and zinc. While prophylactic antioxidant free radical faction babies need vitamin groups A, E and C.

Porridge Variations for Infants
Milk porridge suitable for babies aged six months upwards, creamy texture easily digested and absorbed by baby's digestive tools. Addition of starch such as rice flour or cornstarch can be done. The purpose flour addition is to increase the nutritional value of cereal, milk as a source of protein and starch as a carbohydrate source of energy giving a baby. Actually the baby food variety not only milk porridge. Noteworthy is the selection of milk, if using formula milk preparations provide age-appropriate infants. ASI can also be added to the porridge of milk, the process of making the flour boiled with water or broth (water boiled chicken or meat or fish) until cooked and thickened, add a solution of warm formula or breast milk, a new mix evenly. Especially breast milk should not boil because it will destroy their nutritional content, simply brewed with hot water / hot and mixed with flour porridge.

Variation of supplementary food milk not only flour porridge, fruit pulp and puree the vegetables. Need to be given alternately with milk to make porridge for vitamin and mineral needs of infants fulfilled. Fruit pulp can use avocado, sweet orange juice, papaya, cantaloupe, watermelon or banana. Do not use too acidic fruits like pineapple and fibrous rough because the baby had not been able to receive the baby's digestive. Vegetables such as carrots, red bean, green bean, tomato and potato pulp can also be made of vegetables. The liquid used can beef broth, fish broth, chicken broth or vegetable broth.

Milk Porridge cornstarch
1 tablespoon cornstarch
40 g spinach, washed, boiled, mashed
150 ml of milk or 3 tablespoons milk that continued formula reconstituted with warm water with 100 ml
200 ml of boiled water / vegetable broth
How to Make:
1. Cornstarch dissolved in 200 ml boiled water / vegetable broth. Simmer until cooked and thickened. Lift.
2. Shortly before being appointed, the input of spinach. Stir well, remove from fire.
3. Inputs while warm breast milk or formula advanced solution, mix well.
4. Pour into serving bowls. Serve warm.
For 2 servings

± Gynecology Nutrition per serving:
Protein: 3.8 g
Fat: 1.1 g
Carbohydrates: 19.8 g
Energy: 61.3 k cal

Vegetable broth:
60 g carrots, cut into pieces
40 g peterceli stems, cut into pieces
200 ml water
How to Make:
Mix all ingredients broth, boiled premises low heat until boiling, lift, strain.

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