Many young mothers, especially first-time experience has a baby, experiencing confusion and confusion in choosing the most appropriate baby food and how the right gift. Not a few young mothers who have been doing consultations have even more confused, because the answer from each different party.
Food, besides being a source of fuel energy in human bodies, as we all know, food as well as a supporting factor for growth and develop the child's body, in particular baby. Where is the baby's growth cycle is extremely rapid.
From post-birth weight infants who reach an average of 3 kg, within one year of growth could reach about 9 kg. Therefore, it is very important feeding in infants must meet nutritional needs.
In principle, babies need feeding gradually. From an early stage that starts from the liquid, and semi-solid, solid, and then resumed normal food such as rice and side dishes. Do not miss the water intake, vitamins, and minerals for the baby should be enough,
However, the baby's condition to determine readiness to receive their food intake. Because in practice the individual feeding. Not necessarily all babies aged four months ready to be given milk porridge.
Physical conditions also determine the baby's readiness to accept types of food intake. Baby's physical condition including weight and height. Where in this case a pediatrician who has special competence to judge.
Therefore, it is imperative growth of children is monitored each month than the overall aspect. From the baby's height, weight infants, immunization schedules and methods of diet intake.
Customize your baby's physical development with their habits, while it is in the monitoring of parents and pediatricians, the baby will achieve an optimal growth process. Some important things to remember, how much and how often your baby to eat, it all depends on age, growth rate, weight, and metabolism. And it was not the same among the infants with other infants.
However, most importantly, breast milk (ASI) is the most important intake in infants. ASI, in addition to containing all the nutrients needed for growth and development of infants, breast milk also contains various anti-infection substance that can protect infants against infections.
During the past four months of age babies, babies need extra food such as porridge of milk, biscuits and fruit. Then strain the puree (mashed rice teams) starting at age 6 months and 9 months of age can already given rice team.
Infant Formula
If you combine breast milk with formula milk, infant formula should select the most similar to the composition of breast milk. Ask your doctor's instructions. So any way of making the formulas and how much formula your baby will be given.
There are various circumstances that can make breast-feeding is not practical or not recommended. Mothers can not breastfeed should not feel incompetent or guilty. Formula should be given after consultation with doctors and professionals breastfeeding.
In addition to being a source of vitamins and minerals, fruits are also a good source of fiber. The age of 6-8 months, babies can be given fruits like oranges, papayas, bananas, and tomatoes. Fruit can be given in the form of juice.
Special tomato, boil it first after washed, then filtered to take water. Or, the baby could be introduced 'finger foods', which is a snack that can be eaten by the baby's own (no need to be fed), such as fruit cut into small pieces so the baby can feed themselves. This fine food is given 2-3x/day.
Other fruits such as watermelons, avocados, melons, pears, and others can be given from the age of 6 months. But avoid gummy fruits. Because it may cause diarrhea, such as sapodilla, pineapple, mango and others.
In the early stages, give approximately 30-50 ml of water the fruit as an introduction to baby's digestive conditions, monitor reactions that may arise. If after drinking orange juice, arise diarrhea, have it replaced with other fruit in the next administration is more suitable. But one of the most important thing, wash any fruit before given to infants.