Oct 8, 2010

Growth and development of infants with optimal nutrition.

baby nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role in creating healthy and smart baby. In infants aged one to six months, the intake of major nutrients derived from breast milk. The age of 6 months, the time a baby was introduced to complementary feeding (M-PASI). Food provided must contain complete nutritional intake, such as proteins for growth, carbohydrates and fat for energy sources, vitamins and minerals to keep and maintain health.

In the first three years of age, the baby's brain develops rapidly. In this period, the best food for babies is breast milk. In the breast milk contained a lot of good nutrients for brain growth in infants, such as DHA and Taurine. About 60 percent of the brain consists of fats, particularly fatty acids, such as DHA. Breast milk contains the highest DHA, about 250 mg, so that the mothers are encouraged to breastfeed the baby as the main intake needs of the baby.

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