Jan 1, 2011

Vegetables are good and recommended for baby food

gerber baby food

# Pumpkin Siamese. Rich in phosphorus and calcium. In 100 grams squash contains 25 milligrams of phosphorus and 14 milligrams of calcium.
# Carrots. Efficacious for eye health because of its vitamin A fairly high at around 3600 micrograms in 100 grams of carrots.
# Broccoli. Rich in calcium and folic acid. In 100 grams of broccoli are cooked, contained 56 micrograms of folic acid and 88 milligrams of calcium. It's just because its a bit hard, then the broccoli should be completely soft and crushed when served to infants.
# Tomatoes. Contains vitamin C is quite a lot, which is 40 milligrams in 100 grams of tomato. In addition, tomatoes also contain a sat-called lycopene. Substance that gives red color in tomatoes these are antioxidants.

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