Nov 24, 2010

Planning for baby food and nutritional needs

Planning for baby food

A toddler has a different nutritional needs than adults. They need more fat and less fiber. Pay attention to this distinction when she plans to eat toddler menu:

Sugar & Salt
Forget the use of sugar and salt in baby menu. Even if he is aged over 1 year, limit its use. Salt intake for infants no more than 1 / 6 the maximum number of adults per day or less than 1 gram. Pay attention to your toddler food because the food of adults is not necessarily suitable for him. Sometimes you eat get too much salt or sugar, or even contain preservatives or artificial coloring.

Portion Eating
Portions of children is also different from adults. They need a complete energy source of food nutrients in the number of smaller but frequent.

Energy & Nutrition Needs
Foodstuffs energy sources such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins, minerals and fiber must be consumed every day child. Arrange for all sources of these nutrients in the daily menu.
Milk Growth

Milk as a source of calcium, toddlers consumed are also important. Toddlers need at least 350 ml/12 oz per day. Growth of the Nutricia Dairy milk is complete nutrition that is able to meet the nutritional needs of children aged 12 months upwards and become a complementary menu baby's mother.


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