Sep 26, 2010

Suggested foods for 4-6 month old baby nutrition

baby food nutrition

1. Flour porridge rice / brown rice, cooked using liquid water / broth of meat / vegetables, infant formula, breast milk or water.

2. Good flour cornmeal porridge, cooked in broth or milk formula / breast milk

3. Fruit puree or mashed fruit, like bananas, papayas, melons, apples, avocados.

4. Pure vegetable, vegetables that are boiled and then mashed using the blender. The recommended vegetables, peas, red beans, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins. During the blend of vegetables should be added to the broth or boiled water for vegetables to soft texture.

5. Pure beans, red beans / green beans / peas are boiled with broth until tender then puree in blender. Make sure the blender and food grade equipment for food labeled safe for babies.

6. Meat, choose a lean

7. Chicken, select young chicken meat without bones, skin and fat.

8. Fish, choose fish meat without thorns like a fillet of salmon, snapper fillets and Gindara.

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