Feb 14, 2010

The idea of a healthy baby foods other than fresh fruit

The idea of a healthy baby foods other than fresh fruit

Apart from fresh milk, fresh fruit, a healthy baby food yogurt can also be made from skim milk (skim milk) dissolved in water with a certain ratio depending on the desired product viscosity. Yogurt can be given since the baby was 7 or 8 months. That was the yogurt that are designed specifically to be consumed by infants, not just any yogurt. The number of approximately 25 ml per day. After a year of age before a child can consume all kinds of yogurt and enjoy its benefits as a source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and fat. Yogurt is no different than the milk because it is basically milk yogurt is fermented with lactobacillus bacteria enter, which is good bacteria in the digestive tract and breast milk. This makes the addition of acid and lactose (milk sugar) and the texture breaks down milk was turned into a clot. The idea to make this baby healthy foods can be tried and practiced.

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