Sep 9, 2009

Make healthy baby food for daily meals.

Make healthy baby food for daily meals.

Make healthy baby food for daily meals.

1. Fish

Fish contains all 9 amino acids. Fish is one of the few sources of complete protein. Our bodies do not make the amino acids, we must get it from the foods we eat. By eating a small fish is very healthy and nutritious choices.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a source of calcium. Spinach also contains vitamin A number of lots and Selenium as well.Spinach is oxalate foods and foods for infants nitrate so, eat spinach in moderation is a good idea.

3. Radish

High nutritional, vitamin C and fiber (vegetables high vitamin A) and a good amount of protein as well. But not so sweet turnips.

4. Green Bean

Need a calcium increase? Eat a cup of green beans. But the green beans low on vitamin K or vitamin C; turned to a cup of green beans and a vitamin infusion. Vitamin A and manganese are also found in abundance in only one cup of green beans.
A lot of nutrients in green beans can help you prevent some different conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, asthma, arthritis, acne, ear infections, and possibly even colds and flu's. Good for healthy baby food.


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