Mar 12, 2011

Baby food costs in premature infants

baby food costs

The study of AA / DHA in Baby food costs proved premature infants showed that administration of LC-PUFA as a supplement to improve visual ability and the developing nervous system especially in premature babies. DHA and AA-making process facilitated by desaturase and elongase enzymes. The second activity of this enzyme is lacking in premature babies aterm even in infants up to age 4-6 months. Hence the addition of DHA and AA in premature babies more relevant given, with doses based on fatty acid content in breast milk.

Baby food costs are dominated by AA and DHA

baby food costs

The cost of baby food always include AA and DHA in their descriptions. Promotion of baby food is always dominated by the "icon" formula intelligence. Parents must be carried away with this promotion. So milk and baby food without these ingredients would not compete in the market when the price is relatively more expensive.

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